paper wallet Re-engineering #BTC and #RDD Core Code - Staking acceptance milestone! Accordingly, we're thrilled to note that a major hurdle to adjusting staking from our current production 3.10.X to 4.22.X wallets and PoSVv2 has been achieved and passed. Stakes from both version clients are now accepting on testnet indicating the largest blocking issue is solved.
staking ReddCore Dev - Wallet Staking Status Information Matrix - New Core Wallet 4.22 Feature Details have been extracted from the staking process and (at least for the moment) are being displayed in a fairly plain matrix of inputs, ages, coin rewards, and time estimates. See the attached image for a view of the new feature.
3.10.4 ReddCoin Core 3.10.4 & Redd's blog goes live again! Downloadable from our trusted site, the newest incremental version of the ReddCoin (RDD) Core wallet is available for use now. If you're staking, the newest release